About Our CLinic in Plano

Dr. Kyle Jensen was introduced to the corrective power of chiropractic as a young competitive golfer. After suffering a back injury and not finding relief from the medications prescribed to him, it was his golf coach who first introduced him to chiropractic, which ultimately restored his health and ability to play competitively again. Years later, while pursuing an education in physics and engineering, he decided to take what he was learning and pursue a career in chiropractic. This would enable him to combine his background in physics and engineering with his passion for restoring people’s health through the field of healthcare that had helped him so much.
After graduating from Chiropractic College in 2007 and practicing in a large clinic for several years, Dr. Jensen pursued post-doctoral education in Chiropractic BioPhysics® (CBP) and established the first and only CBP health center in Plano.
The Dramatic Impact of Chiropractic and Nutrition
Optimal Spine Wellness Center was founded in 2015 and is conveniently located by the 121 and North Dallas Tollway. Some of our patients drive hours to see us thanks to our specialization in correcting the structure of your spine. Many are referred to us by area doctors and specialists who know that our specialization can’t be found elsewhere.
While Dr. Jensen provides chiropractic care, Morgan is our registered dietitian nutritionist and creates individual plans to help you achieve your health goals. While chiropractic removes stress on your nervous system and joints, the nutrition side of things addresses the chemical component of your well-being.
Making a Difference in Your Life
We focus on long-term, corrective solutions for your health. With our approach, you can avoid surgeries, injections, and medications that serve to cover up or mask your symptoms.
After our specific analysis, you’ll learn what your problem is and precisely what needs to be done to fix it. You’ll gain a deep understanding of why you have pain, dysfunction, or weakness. Then, you’ll be given a plan to address your particular concern.
What Makes Us Unique
- We are the ONLY CBP® Certified Office in all of Plano. A Chiropractic BioPhysics® (CBP®) certified doctor specializes in correcting the structure of the spine and has the advanced training and state-of-the-art equipment necessary to specifically correct the cause of the problem instead of a temporary band-aid approach. This is similar to how an orthodontist corrects your teeth.
- CBP® Goes Beyond Standard Chiropractic Care. In addition to using standard chiropractic techniques, this higher level of treatment involves a full-spine digital analysis of each patient’s X-Rays and an individualized Spinal Remodeling Program that corrects the overall structure of the spine. This advanced analysis and structural correction is not found outside of a CBP® office.
- We Take Before-and-After Digital X-Rays so each patient is able to objectively see the improvement that has been made to his or her spinal structure. By restoring the spine back to its normal position, stress and tension are removed from the spinal cord resulting in increased organ function (reducing disease and dysfunction), reduced muscle tension, improved strength, and overall better health.
- We have a comprehensive wellness program led by our Registered Dietitian Nutritionist. We take a whole-body approach in the care and treatment of each patient and our program addresses all aspects of health in the areas of Nutrition, Movement, and Toxicity.
- It is our unique approach that has helped our patients achieve phenomenal results, even after methods of treatment with other chiropractors, physical therapists, and medical doctors have come up short. By correcting the spine, we have been able to help many patients who prior to coming to our office, had given up hope.
One of Our Favorite Stories
A 13-year-old girl came to see Dr. Jensen to get help with her debilitating migraines. She’d been to every chiropractor, neurologist, medical doctor, and specialist. At one point, the girl had even been to the Mayo Clinic, where she was put in a dark room for three days. The migraines were so bad that she couldn’t attend school.
Dr. Jensen performed an analysis and found the cause of the girl’s migraines. After putting her on a care plan, the girl’s migraines disappeared. She is now a recent college graduate!
Use Your Insurance With Us
We accept several insurance plans, including Medicare. If you’re interested in experiencing Chiropractic BioPhysics® in Plano, contact us today to schedule an appointment with a Plano Chiropractor!
9:00am - 1:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
9:00am - 1:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
9:00am - 1:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
9:00am - 1:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Optimal Spine Wellness Center
7713 San Jacinto Place #100
Plano, TX 75024
P: (972) 618-2895
F: (972) 618-2895